Pushpa star Rashmika Mandanna recently attended her assistant Sai's wedding in Hyderabad and the pictures from the wedding are all over the Internet. For the festivities, Rashmika Mandanna opted for a bright yellow saree and she was an absolute vision. Pictures from the wedding have been curated by several fan pages dedicated to the actress across social media platforms. On X (formerly known as Twitter), the pictures have been trending big time. In some shots, the actress can be seen posing with the couple. In another, she can be seen smiling with all her heart. There are also some candid albeit super cute clicks of Rashmika from the wedding festivities. She accessorized her look with a subtle neckpiece and black sunglasses. What's not to like?
See the viral pictures of Rashmika Mandanna from her assistant's wedding here:
You beauty is a reflection of your heart so sweet. Your inner light shines bright and true, a virtue that makes you stand out in this world @iamRashmika #RashmikaMandanna pic.twitter.com/cEsjObjO1X
— Rashmikamandannafan (@Geethamadam) September 4, 2023
Rashmika Mandanna is best-known for her performances in films like Geetha Govindam, Dear Comrade, Kirik Party, Chamak, Anjani Putra, Sita Ramam, Varisu and Sarileru Neekevvaru, to name a few. She became a household name after starring in the 2021 film Pushpa: The Rise, co-starring Allu Arjun and Fahadh Faasil, which was a big hit.
Rashmika Mandanna made her Bollywood debut with Goodbye, last year. In the film, she co-starred with Amitabh Bachchan and Neena Gupta. She also featured in the espionage drama Mission Majnu with Sidharth Malhotra this year. She will next be seen with Ranbir Kapoor in Sandeep Reddy Vanga's Animal, also starring Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol. She will also be seen in Pushpa 2: The Rule, opposite Allu Arjun.
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