A special screening of Gadar 2 was hosted in Mumbai on the film's release day on Friday. The screening was attended by only close friends and family members. Sunny Deol's cheer squad included brother Bobby Deol and his wife Tanya. Sunny Deol's son Rajveer was also clicked at the screening. Sunny Deol was dressed as his character Tara Singh, while Ameesha Patel showed up as Sakeena. They happily posed for the cameras. Jackie Shroff, filmmaker Subhash Ghai also attended the film's screening last night.
Tara Singh was in the mood to pose and so he did.
Sakeena was dressed in her festive best as well. See pictures from last night's screening.
See photos from the film's screening here:
Directed by Anil Sharma, Gadar 2 is the sequel to the 2001 hit Gadar. In the sequel Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma have reprised their roles of Tara Singh, Sakeena and Jeete, respectively. The film released in theatres on Friday. It is clashing with Akshay Kumar's OMG 2 at the box office.
Gadar 2 released to average reviews. Film critic Saibal Chatterjee, in his review of NDTV, gave the film 2 stars out of 5 and he wrote, "Gadar 2 is strictly for three categories of people: Sunny Deol fans, those that miss the unbridled excesses of Bollywood of yore, and those that believe that "hate thy neighbour" is an axiom worth cheering for in a movie theatre. The film has enough to please them all - and then some."
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