Rohit Sharma on Friday etched his name in history as he became the first India captain to score a century in all three formats. Rohit achieved the feat on Day 2 of the ongoing first Test against Australia in Nagpur. The 35-year-old hit a brave 120 on a turning Nagpur pitch, and helped India extend their lead over the visitors, who were earlier bowled out for 177 after opting to bat. After scoring his century, Rohit was involved in a funny conversation with all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja, which was caught on the stump pic.
The incident happened on the second ball of the 77th over after Jadeja took a single off Marnu Labuschagne's delivery.
"Yeh pagal hai thoda, sach me," the stump mic caught Rohit as saying.
— Aditya Kukalyekar (@adikukalyekar) February 10, 2023
Debutant Todd Murphy took two extra wickets to chalk up 7-124 on Saturday as Australia bowled out India for 400 on day three. The hosts have a commanding 223-run lead with Axar Patel smashing 84, after resuming with 52 on a Nagpur pitch expected to turn more as the match progresses.
Murphy, an off-spinner, bowled Ravindra Jadeja for 70 early in the morning session to end a 88-run eighth-wicket partnership aith Axar.
Jadeja, a left-hander who took five wickets in Australia's first innings, added just four to his overnight 66.
But Axar stood firm in his effort to bat Australia out of the game and found an able ally in number 10 Mohammed Shami, who made the most of a dropped catch on six.
Shami smashed two fours and three sixes to boost the total by 37 before becoming Murphy's seventh wicket.
Murphy, 22, who on Friday became the youngest Australian spinner to bag five wickets in his first Test, remained Australia's standout performer.
Skipper Pat Cummins took two wickets and bowled Axar at the stroke of lunch to wrap up the Indian innings. Senior spinner Nathan Lyon took one wicket.
Rohit Sharma's powerful knock of 120 helped the hosts into a dominant position after they bundled out Australia for 177 on day one of the four-match series.
(With AFP Inputs)
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