Shah Rukh Khan-starrer 'Pathaan' has broken many records at the box office. Now, the film was also mentioned in Parliament when Trinamool Congress' Derek O'Brien praised it in his speech in the Rajya Sabha. Participating in the debate on motion of thanks on President Droupadi Murmu's address, Mr O'Brien said the film carries a beautiful message and applauded those behind the film, terming them "India's biggest global ambassadors". 'Pathaan' has been a huge commercial success, with its box office collection reaching Rs 422.75 crore on Monday.
"Well done Siddharth Anand (director).... Well done India's biggest global ambassadors. Well done those of you who made 'Pathaan'. What we could not do, Shah Rukh Khan, Dimple Kapadia and John Abraham have shown this country. We learnt from them.... Do not mess with India's biggest global ambassadors," the Trinamool Congress leader said on Tuesday.
"You asked them to boycott Bollywood, they showed you one film with a beautiful message," Mr O'Brien added.
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Member of Parliament Derek O'Brien at Rajya Sabha : “What we couldn't do, Shah Rukh Khan has done it with one film #Pathaan, You asked for Boycott and They showed you Don't Mess with India's Biggest Global Ambassador”..
— ℣αɱριя౯ (@SRKsCombatant) February 7, 2023
The IMPACT is Unbeatable
In his speech, the Trinamool leader also attacked the BJP-led government on various issues, accusing it of weakening institutions such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), over the last eight-nine years.
'Pathaan', which stars Shah Rukh Khan, John Abraham and Deepika Padukone in the lead roles, opened in over 100 countries on January 25.
In the film, Shah Rukh Khan plays the role of a RAW agent who teams up with Deepika Padukone's character against the big bad - former agent and now a terrorist for hire Jim, played by John Abraham.
from NDTV News- Topstories
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